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Graves Disease

Graves Disease

Sorry, we can not answer all these posts individually, though we at Long Natural Health have helped many people resolve their thyroid issues naturally. Visit our Thyroid Support category to view our professional quality natural thyroid supplements, and speak to our nutritional consultants.  

Re:Graves Disease - Becca - Minnesota []
Please explain what graves diease is,as a friends uncle has just been diagnosed with this.

Re:Graves Disease - maria - []
Hi, I'm a 19 year old female who's been feeling awful for the last year.I was recently diagnosed with Graves Disease. I am on Atenolol and Methamizole, but I was also wondering what natural solutions might help. I have experienced everything from fainting, nausea, extreme weakness and hairloss. I would really appreciate any information.

Re:Graves Disease - Kristie - []
Hi im 22 and have Graces Diease,i am being treated with the radioactive iodine currently, and to tell you the truth, its not bad, dont be afraid, its not bad medication.

Re:Graves Disease - Kristie - []
Hi im 22 and have Graces Diease,i am being treated with the radioactive iodine currently, and to tell you the truth, its not bad, dont be afraid, its not bad medication.

Re:Graves Disease - Lucas - QLD Australia []
I have just found out I ave graves disease. I went on Neomercazole and blood pressure meds. They made me feel worse. I have jst gone to a Naturapath that looked at my blood under a microscope. Basically I have fungal spores in my blood which is causing a chain reaction that makes my thyroid go crazy. I ave been on his diet and supplements for 4 days and feel much better already. It is worth a try.

Re:Graves Disease - Stefanie - Arizona []
I'm 25, and I just found out I have a mild form of Graves Diease. My Dr. wants me to take a medicine called Tapazole. he told me theres a side effect that could kill my white blood cell count. Does any one have any advise or better ways to go to treat this diease? E-mail me! Thanks!

Re:Graves Disease - Sarah - New York City
I can't tell how old this thread is.I am being told that I have early stage graves disease. Every piece of info I read tells me that this is not something to be whimsically trifled with . Responsible alternative treatment sights stress this as well as traditional medical sights. Both and talk about buggleweed although boths say that there are no definitive studies on individual success stories.

Re:Graves Disease - Natashia Smith - VA []
I have recently been told I have Graves Disease. For the past four year I have been missing periods, having migranes and insomia. I havent lost weight, but have an icreased appetite. I don’t completely understand where this came from or why it's happening.

Re:Graves Disease - kelly - ia []
hi im 35 and was having throid problems and they just dignose me with graves disease im really scared im going to another docter for radioactive treatment they says its with apill is that true and arethereany side effectsthanks please writeback

Re:Graves Disease - Maia - Sarasota, Fl. []
I am looking for any information on natural treatments for Graves disease. Thank you.

Re:Graves Disease - Tabitha - Conn. []
i was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at 16. I am 33 now and also diagnosed with graves a couple of years ago, i am having radioactive iodine treatment this March2nd. AND VERY SCARED of the side effects,or losing my eyesight. How do i know which is better for me, thyroidectomy ot iodine? Can anyone help?

Re:Graves Disease - Tabitha - Conn. []
i was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at 16. I am 33 now and also diagnosed with graves a couple of years ago, i am having radioactive iodine treatment this March2nd. AND VERY SCARED of the side effects,or losing my eyesight. How do i know which is better for me, thyroidectomy ot iodine? Can anyone help?

Re:Graves Disease - - Cleve,Oh. []
Hi im 38yrs and was diagnosed 2years ago with graves disease. i lost 60 pounds with in three months i have insomia, itch reaL BAD AT NIGHT FROM HEAD TO TOE.losted all my hair and have very blurred visionits the worst case my doctor ever seen i even have CHF from it . im taking Methimazole and toprolfor my high blood pressure. when my thyroid level get lower i will get the iodine treatments.but with the help of the Lord i know im going to be alright .Prayer is the best solution. God can heal.

Re:Graves Disease - - Cleve,Oh. []
Hi im 38yrs and was diagnosed 2years ago with graves disease. i lost 60 pounds with in three months i have insomia, itch reaL BAD AT NIGHT FROM HEAD TO TOE.losted all my hair and have very blurred visionits the worst case my doctor ever seen i even have CHF from it . im taking Methimazole and toprolfor my high blood pressure. when my thyroid level get lower i will get the iodine treatments.but with the help of the Lord i know im going to be alright .Prayer is the best solution. God can heal.

Re:Graves Disease - loni lynn - australia []
Hi ,today is the 5th of march 04 ,and ive only come home from hospital after 2 weeks there.I took an overdose and have been severly depressed ,but dont know why .my doctor took a blood test by chance and found i have graves disease.At least i know why ive been depressed,but apart from that i no nothig about it ,im 28 .Any help and understanding would be great .please help .

Re:Graves Disease - loni lynn - australia []
Hi ,today is the 5th of march 04 ,and ive only come home from hospital after 2 weeks there.I took an overdose and have been severly depressed ,but dont know why .my doctor took a blood test by chance and found i have graves disease.At least i know why ive been depressed,but apart from that i no nothig about it ,im 28 .Any help and understanding would be great .please help .

Re:Graves Disease - george - [georgieporgiie]
i have graves diease and i have storms now i only know about this for about 3 months

Re:Graves Disease - christy - california []
my husband has just been told he has graves diease and will be going for the radioactive pill next week. does anyone know about long term side effects about this pill as we were working on having children very soon????

Re:Graves Disease - Mike - Florida []
I'm 45 years old, and I have been advised that I have Graves Diease. My doctor told me that I can be treated but it still scares me some. I feel fine however, now that I know of this its not very good. My docto also told me that I should do very well with the treatment. I'll let yall know.

Re:Graves Disease - Sue Neal - Portageville Missouri []
I had my thyroid removed 35 years ago and not my eye doctor says I have graves diease, does they eyes swell and get blood shot?

Re:Graves Disease - linda - WI []
hi my daughter has been sick at times n no one can figure out wht the problem is just recently one doctor has told her she has graves diease could u tell me a little something about the diease n is it something tht could be fatal

Re:Graves Disease - donna - guisbrough []
I have just been diagnosed with underactive thyroid and i am taking thyroxine,i amnot feeling any better at all and after reading these articles i am afraid that i will also develop graves diease as my skin itches i have trouble sleeping yet feel tired most of the time will they pick it up in my blood tests?when they check my thyroid again?

Re:Graves Disease - connie - Australia []
Hi, I am 29 and have recently been diagnosed with Graves diease. I was feeling very tired, had sort legs, was very restless at night and felt very hot. I am currently taking carbimazole (neo-mercazole)tablets and have responded very well in the short time that I have taken them. My doctor has asked me to consider which form of treatment I would like to continue with. I wish to start a family in the near future and would like to know, of all treatments which would be less invasive especially if and when I do conceive. Can anyone help?

Re:Graves Disease - Sheryl Thompson - Plano, Texas []
My name I was diagnosed with graves disease in Feb 2004. I lost 35 pounds and I have alos lost my hair, my eyes are swolled and itch. I also itch more so at night. I have problems breathing and can not stand heat. I am on PROPRANOLOL and ALBUTEROL. I am depressed to. Can anyone let me know if there's anything to make my eyes back to normal and what can I do about the itching and hair loss? Sould I have my 16 year old daughter tested?

Re:Graves Disease - Jeannie - Northern Michigan []
I've just recently been diagnosed with Graves. I'm 51 year old female. Experienced heart problems because of increased heart rate. Am on Toprol and Tapezole. I'm not a pill popper and am seeking alternative, holistic treatments. I feel most of the treatments sound barbaric and may add further complications. I lost a lot of weight, have sweats, muscle wasting, shortness of breath, although these symptoms have gotten better with the meds. I plan to wean myself off them and go to something more nurturing. Help.

Re:Graves Disease - Anita Samuel - England []
I just went to the Doctor and he matter of factly said to me you are aware that you have Graves Disease and what that intails, he was refering to my eyes which are very sore, I didn`t I but foolishly said yes because I thought he was refering to my Hyperthyroid. Should I be doing anything to help myself and what is Graves Disease. A reply would be very helpful.

Re:Graves Disease - jaycee - U.S. []
diagnosed with Grave's Disease at age 31 (four years ago). There are alternatives to the radioactive iodine. it is an often lonely struggle to go against the pressures of others who tell me to "inactivate" my thyroid. HOWEVER, they are not diagnosed with Grave's, YOU are. It is an autoimmune disease that can be combatted with natural treatments, combined with methamozole or PTU.

Re:Graves Disease - sharon herbert - australia []
i am a 38 yr old mother of 3 i would just like to no what graves diease is thanks

Re:Graves Disease - sharon herbert - australia []
i am a 38 yr old mother of 3 i would just like to no what graves diease is thanks

Re:Graves Disease - margaret binkhorst - australia []
I am 47 years old and just diagnosed with Graves Disease. Please help me with natural remedies. What is the worst scenario if I don't take the medication the dr prescribed me? I need to know the whole truth about side effects from medication. I don't think my family really understand either - please help me. Thank you.

Re:Graves Disease - silvia wiedmann - san diego, ca []
I was diagnosed one year ago and so far I am able to keep it in check with herbs (Bugleweed, etc.) and homeopathic remedies. However, I have good days and bad days and I am trying to figure out if there is anything else I can do, maybe related to nutrition. I have not been able to exercise like I used to, mainly because my pulse increases very rapidly and I am out of breath much faster and then I am unable to sleep. Consequently, I have gained 15 lbs over the last two years. Does weight-gain affect graves? I am 38 years old and now weigh 138 lbs. I do not want to go on meds, but it is hard to accept that this disease will influence my life style to such a degree.

Re:Graves Disease - Lauire - Burbank, California []
Diagnosed with graves disease at 37 (probably had it much longer), now 39. Had radioactive iodine treatment 1 year and half ago. Helped initially but my TSH is now still .05 (20-100 x higher than normal) and feel lousy. Does anyone know alternative or natural homeopathic doctor in my area that can help. Desperate!

Re:Graves Disease - john - Indiana []
I am a 40 year old female diagnosed with Graves disease over a year ago. The Dr. gave me Trapezole. I ended up taking 60 grams per day before my blood level returned to normal. I was taken off the medication and 1 year later, starting to feel the my heart racing again, sleepless nights and complete exhaustion. Not to mention- My husband says I am moody! I have not had any weight loss. Matter of Fact- gained 20 pounds. Do I go with the radioactive iodine treament or try the antithyroid meds again? What are the natural remedies out there. Any help would be appreciated

Re:Graves Disease - Gavin - New Zealand []
Hi, I'm a 34 year old male, diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 5 yrs ago, i have been on neomercazole tablets the entire time, but am curious to know of natural treatments and remedies, and what long term effects neomercazole places on the body. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

Re:Graves Disease - Tracy - Ogden Utah []
I was diagnosed with graves diease in 2000 i have done the radioactive iodine uptake and scan 3 times ive been on tapazole proprandonal and currently on toporalxl Was recently told that if i dont do the surgery to remove my thyroid that i will no longer be seen @ the free clinic i am currently going to because i am a "liability" Im scared to death to have some "general surgeon" cut open my throat. Is there anyone out there that has any suggestions on what I should do???

Re:Graves Disease - Allison - UK []
I have recenlty been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid. I've been taking Carbimazole for three weeks now and the dosage is to be increased next week. I've been suffering with painful joint pain in one of my hands and knee - has anyone else taking Carbimazole noticed the same or any advice. Many thanks

Re:Graves Disease - Colleen - Australia []
Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in Oct 2005. I am on Neo-Mercazole & Deralin. My Dr has recently increased my Neo-mercazole as my levels had not decreased as he hoped. Last week I had a reaction of some sort where My skin was very itchy and very swollen. I went to my local GP and he said it was a reaction to the Neo-Mercazole. He put me on and anti histermean for 3 days. Today was my last and tonight the itchies have come back slightly. Does this sound like a common reaction for Graves & Neo-Mercazole and are there any other options??

Re:Graves Disease - Colleen - Australia []
Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves Disease in Oct 2005. I am on Neo-Mercazole & Deralin. My Dr has recently increased my Neo-mercazole as my levels had not decreased as he hoped. Last week I had a reaction of some sort where My skin was very itchy and very swollen. I went to my local GP and he said it was a reaction to the Neo-Mercazole. He put me on and anti histermean for 3 days. Today was my last and tonight the itchies have come back slightly. Does this sound like a common reaction for Graves & Neo-Mercazole and are there any other options??

Re:Graves Disease - Trevor - Australia []
Gidday. I am a 50yo male , just diagnosed with "text book" Graves disease. Been on Neo-Mercazole 5 weeks now and last blood test shows all indicators are back in range.Only the pituary gland needs to kick now and I may return to some normality.My advice to all is to get yourself under the care of a bloody good endocrinologist not just a gp and you may find yourselves improving (this is quite affordable in Australia ,as we have a good national health system --provided our politcians leave it alone). mo real side effects from medicationalthough it is early days yet. and another thing take your tablets on time ,the same time , and at even intervals ie if 3tabs aday then take one every 8 hours if possible or something simiar.and dont be scared of any aspect of the disease, learn about it and dont stress -stress will only help the disease Not You.

Re:Graves Disease - Erin - Indiana []
I was diagnosed with Grave's disease about a year ago. I'm worried about the radioactive iodine treatment and have been looking for other treatments. What are some other options?

Re:Graves Disease - trevor - Australia []
For those looking for more info on Graves Diease go to CANADIAN SITE it is has a fair bit of information and those of you on MERCAZOLE go to

Re:Graves Disease - Lisa Martin - Colorado [limartin]
I am seeking advise about natural treatments for Hyperthyroid problems.

Re:Graves Disease - hallie lam - florida []
I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroid in december 05 because of the rapid heartbeat. but now the doctor say that i'am also have Graves Diease. My doctor suggest that i should do the radioactive iodine. I scare because nothing like this ever happen to me. Is there any other solution to this? Please help me answer these question? Email me will any information regarding this. much thanks!

Re:Graves Disease - Michelle - New Jersey []
At age 40, I was diagnosed with Graves disease. I had allergic reaction to the metholzole, finally received the I131 treatement. Its been almost five months, still can't sleep, hair lost continues, numberness in fingers, b/p still high, and my levels are still not "NORMAL". The endo dr said to be patience because I'm the patient. Help!

Re:Graves Disease - maureen - ny []
Is it okay to take diet pills when you are gaining weight if you have been diagnosed with Graves disease?

Re:Graves Disease - Avernell John - Trinidad W.I. []
I've been diagnosed with Grave's Disease approx. one year now. I'm taking PTU for the past year in hopes that I would go into remission. Unfortunately that's not the case. My thyroids is worst than when I first saw the Endocrilogist so he recommends me to do a dose of the radioiodine treatment. I am not crazy about this idea so I'm looking for other options, such as herbs. Any information would be helpful. Thank you.

Re:Graves Disease - Dyanna Moore - Illinois []
I was dx with graves about three years ago after two operations back to back. One sigmoidectomy and a massive hernia repair 3 mths later. Had lost 50 lbs from colon surgery, still under normal weight at hernia repair, told to maintain low weight due to size of repair that would tear if gained too much. Now three years later, on methamizole since Jan 06 have gained 22 lbs and not overeating like dr thinks I am. Am stopping med on my own, hurting inside from the stretching on interior muscles. Can't have more abdominal operations. Have extremely fast heartbeat, blurred vision, exothalmus, shortness of breath, but will have to take my chances to avoid tearing abdomen open unless can find some natural remedy for graves and weight loss. Think I am getting hypo from taking the med, have not taken any in two weeks. Goiter in neck has grown in size again.

Re:Graves Disease - carol - oklahoma []
Diagnosed with Grave's Disease in 2001. Had the radioiodine treatment. Hair is now grown back and doing fairly well, except can not lose the weight I gained, does anyone know weight lose help for this disease?

Re:Graves Disease - kirsty - uk []
hello everyone. i have just been reading about everyones experiences with graves.i have been suffering for 6 years now, having been both over active and now underactive. my symptoms were the most severe seen by the consultants here and i became a somewhat well known case.after several months of unsuccessful treatments, i was given lithium and later radioactive iodine(2 doses). now i am underactive and, would you believe it, it has taken 4 years for my thyroid to stabilize and i hope soon to feel like myself again. it has been hard work and the best advise i can give anyone is eat as healthily as you can, dont try to beat this in a day,keep positive and listen to what your body is telling you. the only way to lose weight if you have thyroid problems is the same as if you dont, healthy eating and enough exercise to burn more calories than you eat. it is just harder to do that!check out if you are new to graves it has some useful info.

Re:Graves Disease - Davina - Australia []
When i was 16 I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in 2000 and am now 21yrs old. I have been taking neomercazole the whole time which has been fine and now am planning on having a baby within the year. I have been told to take the readioactive iodine tablet 6-12 months before i get pregnant but i dont see the point because whether i take it or not i will still be taking tablets for the rest of my life. Is it safer to be on the hormone replacement tablet taken after the iodine one or is it fine for me to continue on with the neomercazole for the rest of my life as i have been told that the neomercazole can cause my bones to get weaker and thinner in the long run. what is safer for me and my future babies...every doctor i have spoken to seems to see the radioactive iodine treatment as the best thing for me. Also does anyone know exactly what could have caused this, i have read heaps about it being caused by blood cells etc in the body, but is there anything else? When i was first diagnosed my doctor asked me if i was sexually active or if i had a boyfriend, could this have something to do with it? Please help.

Re:Graves Disease - Magdalena - Australia []
Hi, I was diagnosed with Graves a couple of months ago. I've been taking 4 neomerzacole tablets per days and the only difference i have seen is weight gain! Has anyone else put on weight from taking this?Can you take diet pills when taking neomerzacole? I want to feel like myself again but I hate the thought of gaining stacks of weight. Help!

Re:Graves Disease - susan prince - wisconsin []
i am 52 now iwas diagnosed with graves diease when i was 11 they try radiation with no improvement My thryroid was removed when i was 13 .I have been on synthroid since then

Re:Graves Disease - Sue - Australia []
Hi. I was just yesterday diagnosed with Graves disease, after a severe eye inflammation alerted my doctor to the possibility of thyroid problems. I am tired all the time, have suffered weight loss despite a very healthy appetite, and also hair loss. I want to treat this condition naturally with herbs, diet acupuncture etc. Can any one help with possible natural treatment information? Many thanks in anticipation.

Re:Graves Disease - Pam - Kentucky []

My son has Down Syndrome and he is about to turn 9 year old. He has just diog. with Graves Diease. Could anyone that has down syndrome and Graves Diease please reply and give me some advise. Thanks

Re:Graves Disease - Angei - oz []
I have Graves and have undergone treatment with Neo mercazole for last 4 months or so. Only recently, when meds were increased for short time because dose not working, I have put on a lot of weight. This is very upsetting as I have pretty much stayed the same size all my life. Been exercising and eating healthy smaller meals but still feeling fat. Can anyone suggest some treatments to help shed some extra kilos.

Re:Graves Disease - Renee - Charlotte North Carolina []
Hello I am 36 and the Doctors finally confirmed and listened that what i knew all along i had a problem with my throyid . It is Graves Disease and I have had problems with sore throat , getting choked , Swollen around my throat, tender , swelling all over body , high heart rate , sick on my stomach , raspy voice , fainting , itching eyes and ears , hot flashes along with already being hot , focusing , memory , moody , exhausted , aching bones and muscles , problems sleeping , gaining weight , problems breathing ETC !!. I have had every test for 5 years with each symptoms , sleep apena test , allery test (because my IGe in my blood was 425 ), Light put up my nose to go down my throat to check of voice etc. Light in every hole but my ears LOL >> I was told I needed allgery shots , I had Chrones disease (stomach) , gall bladder, IBS , I just needed to exercise i would feel bettter , I was pre menopause and so on everything but the real problem !! So 3 weeks ago I went to yet about the 30 th doctor went through the same old story , told him I was not CRAZY that I had a throyid problem and they have done every test in the world including thryoid and everything is negative . I told him I wanted more than just a t3 and t4 test I wanted a full throyid work up . SO he looked at me like i was crazy and said all u have had the t3 and t4 5 times this year and they all are negative and I rolled my eyes LOL HE then started to examine me and wanted to do another strep test for my sore throat . I told him no look on my chart I have had 6 this year alone and they were negative . SO he touched my throat and as usual it was sore and then my liver was tender so thats when he agreed and did all blood work . He called and said YOu have a throyid problem by this time I have had it and said you think so DUH !! LOL and he said yes this had been going on for years (really like I didnt know LOL )and my levels were out the roof for throyid and my liver enzymes and my heart rate is 110 should be 60 to 80 . SO 3 days later I saw the Endro . Didnt care for the only answer that he gave me , after my test was Yes Graves Disease and it was enlarged , and the only sure way was to destroy the throyid . I since went to a hollestic doctor just 5 days ago . I am on 2 different meds and I can tell I am not dragging as bad , my throat not as sore .SO we shall see . I hope and pray this works . I have had so many people be negative about the all natural apprach . I thank them for their concern and explain this is what I have to do for me . If it comes time that I have no choice but to destory my throyid . I will know that I have tried everything possible . ALso one friend wanted to know if the hollestic way would work why didnt the specialists advise it my answer was . Why didnt they listen to me all this time and find it before now when all signs were there and I keep asking them . The conversation ended there . I am taking something called Thytrophin PMG 2, pills twice a day and a nasty tasting tonic 30 drops in orange juice 3 times a day . I hope this comment helps someone with their problem and everyone please think of me and hope this works !! Thank you !~!

Re:Graves Disease - april - kentucky
i am 31 yrs old and have been told i am one of the worse cases of graves disease. I want more than anything for this to settle down. I have had radiation and three surgeries on my eyes. I look so different than your normal. I miss who i was. if anyone has any truthful remedies that i dont know about call me at 859-321-0163. god bless you

Re:Graves Disease - Lucy - Georgia []
I have Graves and had radiation a few years ago. I cannot seem to get any real information- it is my understanding that Graves caused the hyperthroid but what other symptoms are asscoiated with Graves besides that, eye & skin problems I could be living with?

Re:Graves Disease - Sandi - CA []
I'm a 28 year old female and have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. For years I have felt awful and doctor's didn't know what was wrong, some thought I was crazy. I was having all kinds of weird symptoms and I knew something was obviously wrong. Here are the symptoms I was having. Near fainting episodes exessive sweating palpatations achiness major fatigue hair loss shortness of breath excessive thrist, dry mouth upset stomach nausea occasionally vomiting scant periods, irregular and light infetility miscarriage intolerance of heat feet swelling and redness eye irritation redness, puffiness and the list goes on... so anyway lately I have been on PTU and have been experiencing major shortness of breath. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what works or didn't work for you if you have this condition. My doctor is recommending that I have radioactive therapy next, but I've heard bad stories about this. If you are having symptoms like this don't ignore them, you are not going crazy and it's not in your head. Find a good doctor and insist he or she does a full thyroid panel. Best wishes.

Re:Graves Disease - Kathryn - UK []
Graves, Migranes and Appetite

Re:Graves Disease - Jessica - QLD []
Hi, I am 22, and have been diognosed with Graves disease a year ago, im taking Neeo mercazole, and nothing much has happend, exept i get considerable bouts of fatigue in the day and feel restless at night, also i get chest pain,and am constantly sweating on my face even during winter and i am over weight, i never lost any weight infact i have put it on, i though graves was supposed to make you lose? in rear cases can it make you gain? does anyone know?

Re:Graves Disease - christina - europe
I don´t know about the weightloss, I´m also curious about that. Does anyone know more about that?? Is there anyone who knows the differenc between hyperthirodism and graves? do you always have graves when you are hyperthiroid?

Re:Graves Disease - ANGE - SCOTLAND [ANGELA123@AOL.COM]
HI, im 25 & have had graves for 2 years i been off med now for a couple of months now i want to maintain a healthy tyroid but treating the roof off the problem, all my symtoms are still here like sickness, migranes, cant sleep,tierd even when i do sleep, rapid heart heat & many more im soooo against RAI after reading upon it anyone out there that wants to share note pls email i just want to get back to normal with a natural healty way to do it..... :-)


Re:Graves Disease - Celia - Ohio []
I was diagnosed w/ Graves Disease more than 8 years ago when I lost 16 pounds, my resting pulse rate topped 120 bpm, and I was developing exophthalmus and diplopia. I took a beta blocker long enough to look into treatments. I didn't want to kill my thyroid. Everyone I talked to who had radioactive iodine therapy, thyroidectomy, or was taking PTU complainted of uncontrollable weight gain. Since I have a very significant family history of heart disease and stroke, I did not want to volunteer for obesity. I have been controlling my Graves Diseae for more than 8 years taking non-radioactive iodine, calcium, trace minerals, thytrophin PMG, rhemania complex, bugleweed, and echinacea. In the beginning, when I was very nervous, I also took valerian and passiflora complex. I have been taught to do strong muscle testing on myself to determine what I need and how much of it I need. (Not everyone would need or benefit from my exact regimen.) Medical treatments do not correct exophthalmus, however, this regimen did correct the exophthalmus I had. The supplements are not as expensive as one would think. They average out to between $30 and $40 per month - not much more than prescription medications. One more note on this: nutritional treatment seems to work much better for me when the nutrients are not competing with caffeine in my body. I seem to tolerate one small square of dark chocolate per day, and can enjoy one small glass of ice tea spread out over a week. More caffeine than that makes the Graves Disease harder to control. Again, this experience would not be applicable to everyone.

Does anybody have any suggestions on possible natural remedies? I was diagnosed with graves disease in december of last year,my doctor has put me on neomercozole and although i have noticed some positive results from the tablets,such as improved appetite sleeping better unfortunately i am experiencing some negatives such as feelings of dizziness particularly when i get up first thing in the morning [Dizziness has never been an issue for me before] feeling extremely fatigued even though i sleep very well.I know my doctor[God love him}is only trying to get me well again but i just don't feel that these tablets are doing me any good,although i must stress i have only been on them a short time 8wks.Also if anybody has experienced similar symptoms on these tablets please reply.

Re:Graves Disease - Christo751 - Dearborn,MI []
Please!!! Don't Anyone ever allow an incredibly ignorant,greedy(in the pay of the A.M.A)doctor to treat your hyperthyroidism with Radio Active Iodine.It has ruined Hundreds of thousands of lives as it ruined mine. Seek alternative therapies because once your Thyroid Is Gone,You'll Never be the Same Again! Best of Luck in your quest of real Health!

Re:Graves Disease - RUTH P - LIVINGSTON, N. J. []

Re:Graves Disease - Ronnie - NY []
my doctor seems to think that by me going hypothyroidism from hyper, I'll be better off. In my opinion, they're both thyroid diseases and have very bad side affects. I'm very concerned by his theory. - Cleve,Oh. Your itching may be caused by the meds you're taking for your thyroid. Methamizole made me itch so bad, I thought I'd scratch all my hide off. I also love your confirmation of faith by stating that God will heal. I believe that to be so as well. So, I say AMEN to that :)~Ronnie~

Re:Graves Disease - DJ Coop - Texas []
I had radioactive iodine three years, and have been on Synthroid ever sense. I have had no complications, issues, or concerns (other than weight gain). My TSH levels stay within range, and I only have to see my endocrinologist once per year. No regrets.

Re:Graves Disease - Jill - Iowa []
I am 22 yrs old and was just diagnosed with Graves Disease 2 days ago and already the doctor is pushing me to go ahead and do the radioactive iodine. I am just struggling with the fact that it is a very permenant decision to make and I would like to know if anyone has any information on this procedure, or any other treatments that might work. I am just scared that I will make the wrong decision. If anyone has any advice on this it would be greatly appreciated!

After having radioactive iodine treatment can you still take thytrophin pmg. I have just been told I have graves disease.

Re:Graves Disease - Julie A Sparks age 26 - Ezel Kentucky []
Well what is this Graves Disease and how do I know I have it if doctor I feel is not doing his job and these are the symptoms I have. Rather speedy heart rate. I do have many sleepless nights. My appitight is odd. I realy do not have one, but am 190 some pounds but no matter what I do I cannot loose the weight. I am taking ATENOLOL 100MG for the rappid heart rate, and to keep my blood preasure down. I am wanting to know more about this disease. You see the cardiologist I go to sometimes is good but at times he treats me as if I am playing games and he is sick of them. The skipping of my heart is freaquent. I am short of breath and just do not have the energy I used to. I should mentchen that I am twent-six and have been having these problem for over five years and feel like I have been misdiagnosed.

Re:Graves Disease - Ernie - Valencia,Ca []
Hello IM a 42yr old male,and was recently diagnose with graves disease. I've taken the perscribe medication from my Dr which are not working IM still feeing the symptoms. If there a home remedy that will work? Please help.

Re:Graves Disease - Raina age 23 - Wisconsin []
Hey everyone, I want to start off that I'm sorry that this is happening to everyone, and you're not alone. I've been diagnosed with Graves' Disease today, June 25 2007. I have a son who will be 1 year in a month. I'm also looking for a "Natural" cure. I just don't trust the medical field. One year something is good for you, the next it's totally bad for you. And the fact they can't really pinpoint the cause scares me. I was told that I have no other option than a RAI, and I just won't except that. I plan on have more kids, and I was told I had to be on birth control for atleast a year. I haven't taken any medication for it yet, but I really don't want medication that will cause me to go on more medication. I also am allergic to a lot of things, so I''m really scared of an adverse outcome or worse. I used to weigh about 112 lbs, but in the past 2-3 months I'm down to 92 lbs. Any advice would help.

Re:Graves Disease - Denise Drake - Alpharetta Georgia []
I have just been diagnoised with graves disease. I dont like any of the treatments available and I want to cure myself naturally. I am seeing an accupuncture therapist and I am on atenol for my heart rate(130 resting) I feel ok just a little shaky I think I feel worse just thinking about the treatments. I am not a pill person and so I just dont know what to do. I was thinking of trying a herbal formula call thyrosoothe. Any ideas? Desperately needing help. I am such a bummer to my family now and I dont want to be a burden. Please help.

Re:Graves Disease - linda 30 - aus []
Hi I was diagnosed with overactive thyroid" graves disease about 3 months ago. Prescribed neomercozole 2 a day after about 3 - 4 weeks on this medication my eyes began to play up they itch badly and burn and are very irritated. They look horrible and it’s staring to freak me out. It’s hard to work almost everyday as im on the computer a lot and cant c to well with this. I have never had any eye problms in my life.... Does any one know if this medication may be causing my eye symptoms?????? Doctors can’t really help; I find it very coincidental though that this began only weeks after taking the medication. I'm booked in to c the eye specialist. Any info would be GREAT.... thank you.

Re:Graves Disease - linda 30 - aus []
Hi I was diagnosed with overactive thyroid" graves disease about 3 months ago. Prescribed neomercozole 2 a day after about 3 - 4 weeks on this medication my eyes began to play up they itch badly and burn and are very irritated. They look horrible and it’s staring to freak me out. It’s hard to work almost everyday as im on the computer a lot and cant c to well with this. I have never had any eye problms in my life.... Does any one know if this medication may be causing my eye symptoms?????? Doctors can’t really help; I find it very coincidental though that this began only weeks after taking the medication. I'm booked in to c the eye specialist. Any info would be GREAT.... thank you.

Re:Graves Disease - jodi Paloni - vermont []
I've been diagnosed with grave's and want to try some alternative approaches before medication. I'm worried that my eyes will protrude, they have not yet, and that it is irreversible. I'm afraid if i wait too long to try meds, my eyes will buldge and not return to normal. I can't find any info about how quickly the eye disease will follow? How much time do I have to play with?

Re:Graves Disease - julie - london 1 []
Told by DRS that I have Graves disease but not much explaination. Very confused , has classic symptoms except putting on a lot of weight,on Carmibazole and i hate the way i look, can anyone help who has lost the weight.

Re:Graves Disease - karen - kentucky []
I'm 44 years old . I have had the radioactive iodine a few year ago . I was diagnosed with graves a couple mouths ago. I trust the dr's to to the right thing and I was wrong. There was never any treatment discussed before the iodine . I'm not dealing with the hot flashes, sleepless nights, mood swings and most of all the 50lbs I've gained. Please someone help me understand more for me and my family.

Re:Graves Disease - Julie LeFavim - melb. australia []
I am a 38 year old mother of 3,diagnosed with a toxic multi nogola goiter in 1998. in order for me to have my 3rd child. I had to fix my overactive thyroid. After 6 months of stress I decided to go ahead with RAI. Once the treatment was over, I was adjusted with the lowest dose of thiroxin. A year and a half later I gave birth to my third child, all went well however 9 years later I am overactive again and going crazy because my eyes are puffy and dry and sensetive to light burning all the time. I thought once i was treated all would be alright but even after 9 years, now I have regrets. Please let me know if anyone has had similar problems and what have you done about it.

CAN U TELL ME ANYTHING aBOUT HOW LONG I WILL BE ON MEDICATION and hair loss when taking neomercazole please

Re:Graves Disease - anita - []
been dia with graves disease a month after I had surgery to remove bags under the eyes. my dr cleared me for surgery with out a thyroid blood test . now my eyes became bulging and am on synroid after having my thyroid radioiactive iodine Im continplating haveing eye surgery , My friend had the surgery in one eye and her eye looks beautiful I plan on useing the same Dr, I would like to see pictures of before and after of people who had graves disease eye surgery, Anita

Re:Graves Disease - Lisa - Tn []
Hello to all fellow suffers... What a battle this is. I was rushed to the Hosp. 2 mnths ago from working sweating, dizzy and severe shortness of breath, ER doc sent me home with 130 min heart rate and couldnt breathe, 2nd trip to ER God sent me somebody who cared They thought blood clot, heart attack work up for everything. found out i was Hyper. TSH < 0.1 T3 790.5 Normal Range 60 to 180 T4 38.4 MD said 3xs normal values, started Methimazole with relief of S/S in 2 days, 2 weeks after completeling med levels back up again S/S return 2nd bottle of Methimazole 3 days into felt worse dizzy, SOB, tired, anxiety, sweating MD calls at home your are clinicaly Hypo now, started on Synthroid 3 days ago..... Called tonight to ER hives from head to toe tells me take benadryl your thyroid/ pitutary gland might be waking up Cant stop gaining weight 2 to 3 lbs a week, Depressed, cant sleep, nervous, having symptoms of both lost my job due to excessive absent. Just want to DIE! sick of being SICK....... Do any of you experience S/S of both Hypo and Hyper? and Is there relief if they remove the entire gland?

Re:Graves Disease - Fiona Whelehan - Ireland []
It is so comforting to find this discussion. I was diagnosed in June 07, same symptons as a lot of you ladies. My doctor though I was stressed out but when my blood results came back I was hyper. I have been taking Neo Mercazole, working to an extent, taking Inderal aswell to slow down heart rate. I can't stop gaining weight though. I've been eating healthy, exercising but nothing is working. My doc is all for medication and surgery but I don't want to do RAI and I'm not going to continue taking this medication either. A friend suggested going to a Kinesiologist. Has anyone tried alternative remedies. All suggestions welcome, no matter how whacky they sounds. Thanks a lot. Fi.

Re:Graves Disease - Jamie - Scottsdale []
I was diagnosed with graves in 05, I had been sick for months, including a weight gain since my early thirties. I had extreme swelling in my legs and that concerned my school nurse ( I am a teacher ). I am approaching my 2 year mark, I had the radioactive iodine treatment, shortly after dropping from hyper to hypo I was placed on synthroid. @ 6 mos later I dropped 47 lbs, now I have gained 10 lbs back...I had gotten too thin but am concerned now that I can't control my weight. I spoke with my doctor, I just had my labs done 6 weeks ago and I am within my ranges. I also went to the gym & had my body assessment done ( I do that every 6 mos, despite gaining the weight I lost .5% in body fat. I don't know what to do...any suggestions on how to prevent the weight gain. I turn 37 in 3 weeks. Weight has always been a struggle for me...not being in control of it is a bigger struggle!

Re:Graves Disease - Naomi - Melbourne []
Hi everyone. Last year i experienced severe stress. By June 2006 i was experiencing anxiety which was normal for me.I've had anxiety for 15 years on and off. I was put on valium. It helped but did not cure me. By Feb 2007 i was experiencing breathing problems. I knew something was wrong with me so i took myself up to hospital. The 1st time i was there the doctor said theirs nothing wrong with you, you just having anxiety. I knew deep down theres more to it. A few weeks later i had breathing problems again a few times and also having problems swollowing. I knew somethings not right... so off i went to hospital thinking i was dying to be honest. Even my weight was 43 kgs. I should be about 57 to 60 kgs. Finally a doctor said we will do a blood test and check your thyroid function and we will send results back to your gp. It took 6 weeks to get there. between hospital and my docs it's only 5 mins away lol. it turned out i was hyperthyroid. My endocrinologist diagnosed me with graves disease.she put me on neomercozole. I was so sick. Then i was put on ptu. 16 Tablets a day! Yes thats alot. I still feel sick but i'm putting up with it. If left untreated you could get thyroid storm. Which can put you into a Coma. Thats life threatening!!Please don't leave it. Symptoms of graves disease can include weight loss, weight gain (rare),anxiety, trembling, shakiness,breathing difficulties, problem swallowing,increased heart rate,larger eyes,enlarged thyroid, frequent bowel movements, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach,muscle weakness, feeling tired. The list goes on. Keep finding out information on the net. Sometimes your doc doesn't tell you everything. And keep taking your meds. Eat healthy. Take vitamins is recommended. I recommend Newways products. Try and keep away from MSG and caffienne Look after yourselves

Re:Graves Disease - truman - fort collins []
Try Monavie Acai Berry Complex Very high in phytonutrients and antioxidents and the synergistic effects are phenominal.

Re:Graves Disease - browni - Uk
Hi everyone! i have had hyperthyrodism for the past seven months now and everytime it replase when the doctor reduces the dosage but i am having problems with hair loss acne and the biggest problem it that i am gain too much weight after taking the thyroid medication at first i lost but now i don't know wat is wrong did anyone have this problem?

Re:Graves Disease - Lauren - London []
i was diagnosed with graves disease in March 2007 and found that taking vitamins is a really good option for staying awake and better sleep patterns. I know this because i stopped taking them last week and my insomnia is back. try to feel more awake, sort out your joints and get better sleep and all round health. the founder really knows what he's talking about

Re:Graves Disease - Heather Ankeny - California []
About 6 months aggo I was diagnosed with hyperthroidism due to a goiter on my right side lobe.I lost alot of weight,eating alot,anxiety,headacches,bodyaches,nervousness.I felt horrible.I was always on the go,could never stop.Well I had surgery about 5 months ago,I had half of my throid removed,The other half is still present on the left side.But...Im feeling the same again,I lost 10 pounds,heart racing,anxiety,tired,i feel like im trembling again.Is this normal to feel this way.

Re:Graves Disease - jodie - texas []
hi i am 36 yrs old i got graves after the birth of my son i was 25 three years of going to the dr who all said nothing was wrong they found that my thryoid was 22 times larger i took the pill it killed alright ten years later i still feel like crap i have gain 85 pounds i am so tried all the time and very bitchy i would do anything to feel normal anyone who has answer please let me know jodie

Re:Graves Disease - Nadine - Alberta []
I have Greaves Disease and I am looking at all the treatments for it. What is the best way to "cure" it. My family Dr. over prescribed me on Tapizol, 2.5 years worth in 6 months. So I do not want to take it again but I am looking at going to see a nautural path Dr. or taking the iodine. As this is life changing was wonder about others who have done differnt treatments and how they feel about their decision..

Re:Graves Disease - Tabitha - Wis []
I am 23 and have been diagnosed with hyperthyroid because of graves disease three years ago! i have left it go untreated and now am paying the consequences! i am pretty sure that i had a thyroid storm! it was crazy- i took aspirin and atenolol right away and it seemed to clam it down! be calm people and take care of yourself! u only have 1 heart!

Re:Graves Disease - nadia - n.s.w. australia [nardsg@]
Hi, Ive just spent the day traveling over 360km to be told to get back onto neo-mercazole and go back to my endocrilogist - Unfortuntely he would like to remove my thyroid and thankfully Im not there yet. I was surprised to hear that I could take neo-mercazole longer, the same endo said I was only able to take meds for two years! I would be interested to hear from long takers of neomercazole. And anyone that knows of the thyroid been treated on meds eventually dying. After now living with graves disease for 2 and a half years, Ive concluded that a balanced diet even gluten free and dairy free. A gym membership and a good chinese herbalist has helped. But not cured. Good luck to all those who have just been diagnosed. Fine some information for friends and family to read, to undersatnd what your going threw. !!!

Re:Graves Disease - Rachel - England []
What test do doctors do to test for graves disease? I have recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, been to see the specialist who has put me on the carbimazole for 6 months, then he is hoping my thyroid will correct itself :/ After being tired and generally feeling like crap for yearsss i feel there is more to my thyroid problem, possibly this graves disease. Also i read that having an over active thyroid means there is something causing it. Yet my specialist didn't mention and i FORGOT to ask! another side effect.. I've virtually given up all hope of ever feeling normal again, and all this waiting around is stressing me out enough that i've developed an itchy annoying rash. We just can't win can we

Re:Graves Disease - candace - massachusetts []
i was just told i might have graves disease had 2 blood test done by my gi doctors and had to follow up w my pc doctor i feel fine no hair , weight loss or gain i havent been able to sleep for years only 3 or 4 hours a night now doing sleep studies , and saw an endo dr in 05 and wanted to know i plan on not removing anything from my body and will not kill my tyd what choices do i have and what kind of natural doctors should i look for

Re:Graves Disease - Indra - India []
i'am 24 years old female.i have hyperthyroid problem for past 4 years.i had taken PTU tablets for past 3.5 iam taking homeopathy tablets.but,now i have no symptoms,except eye protrusion(3 yrs).please give any solution for my problem.

Re:Graves Disease - Geri - Canada []
Nov 18, 2008 Graves disease (overactive thyroid) and Hashimoto Thyroiditis (underactive thyroid) are autoimmune diseases meaning the immune system is sick and attacking self. Remission can occur when treating the immune system with LDN, DHEA, lyfestyle changes etc. Anti thyroid drugs should be tried for at least 18 months; longer if needed-but when destroying the thyroid with radiation or removal you still have Grave's disease and the immune system will continue attack the eyes, heart etc. There are many options in treating these diseases naturally.

Re:Graves Disease - Irene - Alaska []
Mary Shomon has some excellent books on Graves disease and hyperthyroidism. There are much better treatments available now than radioactive iodine which can lead to remission/euthyroid. Radioactive iodine is permanent and you would need to be on medication for the rest of your life or risk becoming severely hypothyroid. There is a new procedure now called thyroid embolization that is minimally invasive. Trials have shown this treatment to be very successful, and it is now being done in Canada and China. I've had Graves disease most of my life. The embolization treatment reduces blood flow to the thyroid which reduces the number of antibodies flowing to the thyroid. The antibodies are what aggravates the thyroid causing hyperthyroid symptoms. Graves disease can be very serious, with danger of thyroid storm and resulting death if left untreated. If your doctor won't explore various treatments with you, find another doctor. Please read Mary Shomon's books as she has thoroughly researched this condition and has excellent recommendations, some of which are new treatments of which your doctor may not have heard.

Re:Graves Disease - Yvette - Australia []
Hi i have overactive thyroid, and have been told to take neomercazole but only 5mg not much, my weight gain has been unbelieveable, with a overactive tyroid you are ment to lose weight but not the case with me is there anyone else this is happening to and is there another med you can take, i just want to stop taking them.

Re:Graves Disease - Anna - australia []
hi there, i've been diagnosed with graves disease when i was 17 which is 6 years ago, i first noticed the eye bulge and the neck goiter. i had been put on 4 neomercazole tablets a day and had put on about 10 kilos in the first few weeks of taking my meds. but the weight did go back to normal when my pill intake went down. its also hard to lose weight with graves disease because the disease makes you lose your muscle tone which sucks. im on half a pill a day but really dont wanna take it anymore. i dont want the suggery and am concerned about the iodine treatment. im living in a different country and will be for atleast 2 years so really wanna know if its bad to take neomercazole for more then 4 years? at the moment im forgetting to take them or really not wanting too and have been itching like a cat with flees at night, now i know why. wish for all of us there was a cure

Re:Graves Disease - Melanie - Cape town []
Hi all fellow sufferers. I am 37 and have had graves/hyperthyroidism for 1994. I have suffered so many symptoms. I had a bad childhood and apparently that could have been one of the main causes. I suffered with panic attacks and 101 other symptoms. I went on neomercazole 5 yrs ago and have not turned back I go for my blood tests every 6-8 months (full thyroid and full blood count) I have until now had no major side affects except sore muscles and muscle spasm but can live with that. The panic attacks have lessoned by 95% thank the Lord for that. I still feel the effects somedays when the thyroid fluctuates. I have heard to much about the radio active iodine. My friend is now hypothyroid because of the iodine. I just find I can't loose weight while on the meds. I also wish there was a cure but maybe one day.

Re:Graves Disease - Lisa - Australia []
I was diagnosed Graves January 09 after I noticed puffiness around my eyes and I literally felt like I was jumping out of my skin, I also had excessive blushing of my skin. I had very low TSH and high thyroid antibodies. Now I am still on Neo-Mercazole 5mg daily and fT3/fT4 are normal and TSH ok, however now waking up with very puffy eyelids and my lips are swollen (looks like I have had botox!!) could this be Hashimotos and not Graves??? I am a bit puzzled about normal T3/T4 but high thyroid antibodies. Should I stop neo-mercozole??

Re:Graves Disease - Eleonora - Brooklyn, N.Y. []
I'm 29 yrs old and have recently been diagnosed with Graves Disease. I was on methimazole and stopped because I was scared of the side effects. My endocrinologist wants to put me on Radioactive Iodine in about a month but I refuse. My symptoms are getting worse (i.e. severe heart palpitations, anxiety, diarrhea, excessive perspiration). I just started taking Thyrosoothe and am hoping for a miracle. Does anyone else have my symptoms and if so could you tell me how you're dealing with them. Also, has anyone taken or is anyone taking Thyrosoothe? What results have you seen? Does anyone know of any natural remedies (i.e diet change, acupuncture, herbs) for Graves that has worked? Is there a Graves Disease support group in Bklyn or in NYC? Does anyone know of any helpful books or material on Graves. Thank you. You are not alone.

Re:Graves Disease - Eleonora - Brooklyn, N.Y. []
There's an undercore (_) between my first and last name. So, it's

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